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Devotionals: Be Strong and Courageous

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9 NIV


Favored child of God, be of good courage today for the Lord is with you. Do not be afraid of challenges that come your way. Do not be discouraged by obstacles that block your path. As long as God is with you, you can be sure that everything will turn out well. For He has blessed you with a blessing that cannot be reversed. Do not look to your past failures, disappointments, or limitations. You are destined for greatness and through the spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ, you have been empowered to become an overflowing blessing for the world. So boldly stay on the path of faith. Do not let the shadow of death worry you. You have already been freed from death. Let the light of God chase away the darkness. As you see more and more clearly who God is and how much He loves you, your courage will naturally grow.


Action Steps:

Courage comes from knowing that God is with you, and that He’ll definitely come through for you. When David faced off with Goliath, he knew that God will bring him victory. When Daniel was thrown into the den of lions, he knew that God would keep him safe. When Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego went into the furnace, they knew that God would deliver them. They were courageous not because they had faith in their own abilities, but because they knew God intimately. They knew His power, His love, His trustworthiness, His steadfastness. Learn more about the attributes of God. Trust Him more and more each day with increasingly important things in your life. And as you see Him coming through for you, your faith and courage will naturally grow.



Father, thank you for always being with me, even when I may not be conscious of it. You are my source of courage Lord. For without you, I’m nothing. But with you by my side, I know that victory will always be mine. Help me to look to you, instead of my own abilities or failures. Help me to see your Hand in my life more and more clearly. Teach me to trust you with the important decisions of my life. I want to have a real, intimate, relationship with you. Not one that’s just theoretical. I will go boldly into the world in your Name because I know that you’ll always come through for me. Bless your name Lord. May all the power and glory be to you. In Jesus’ Mighty Name, Amen.


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